Referral Program
Whether you deal with your clients face to face or through email, including our referral form in each of your client files is all it takes…the form does the rest! We outline our products and the main features of our service on each form so your clients can see what we offer and what to expect. Click here to view our referral and e-referral styles |
Ways to offer our Program:
Standalone Recommend each client to sign the form to review their insurance options. Reassure them that our coordinators will go over the products and explain the different types of coverage in laymen terms. There is no pressure to proceed and we don't take up much of their time. We can even do nighttime calls if your client prefers! Always educate your clients not to settle for lender insurance as it's not portable! As an Add-On Incorporating our referral form into your work flow will help fill in the gaps of your current program and ensure your clients reach the level of service they deserve. Click here to view our fee structure